Una finestra sul mondo

The castles of Andria and Trani

Visiting the castles of Andria and Trani was like plunging into the past and reliving history. 
Castel del Monte (Andria), dates back to the 13th century and is located on a 
mountain on the Murge plateau. Built by Emperor Frederick II, it was included in the 
UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. It has an octagonal plan and the interior space 
is divided into 2 floors. Limestone is the predominant material. The marble and the 
coral breccia cover all the internal walls. It is called a "castle", but in reality the exact 

The castles of Peschici and Manfredonia

September 18 and 19 the editorial staff of the online magazine "Fiori di 
carta" organized a guided tour to introduce us to the castles of Peschici and 
Manfredonia. We started from Campi Salentina and the journey was peaceful. Once 
we arrived at our destination we were placed in hotel rooms to dispose of the
journey’s fatigue, and then we went to visit Peschici which is a very beautiful tourist 
resort. The historic center winds through many alleys, which make it similar to a 

Castle Carlo V and its legend

During a rainy day of December the M. O. L. editorial staff “Fiori di carta” finds itself in front of the “Royal Door” to meet with Dr. Leo, the guide that will accompany us during our course. In 1539 emperor Carlo V D’Asburgo emanated the order to demolish the old princely bulwark, dating back to Middle Ages, to build a new fortress, with military architecture techniques. The job was entrusted to Gian Giacomo dell’Acaya, engineer of Napoli’s reign. The shape of the building is quadrangular and has four corners, from which the four ramparts rise.

A meeting between us and Dr. Spagnulo

On Tuesday 27/11/2018, we guys from Campi Sal.na and Lequile, part of the online magazine “Fiori di carta”, interviewed Dr. Stefano Spagnulo, author of the novel “Beautynsidia”, which protagonist is an irriverent and sometimes sarcastic little monkey that, with its personality, almost ends up overshadowing humans. In this new book are not treated only scientific themes, but also ethical themes like animal experimentation and cloning.

Summary of the interview to lawyer Vigilante

Violence proliferates where there is a very strong disparity between men and women. However there is the need to distinguish between various forms of violence: the psychological, the physical, the economic, the sexual, the domestic, the women’s trade, the stalking, and, since some years, the femicide one, that is when a woman gets killed as such. It’s fundamental to understand at the legal level what type of violence it is and what is the legislation to apply.

We meet Sebastiano Siviglia

We met the footballer Sebastiano Siviglia at the communal gardens in Lecce for an interview. Siviglia currently works as the coach of Nocerina. In the past he was a Serie A footballer who saw him protagonist as a defender in Lecce, in Verona, in Rome and other teams. To the questions that "the interview group" of the M.O.L. had prepared, Sebastiano replied in a very quiet and calm manner. What struck me is that real football, as Siviglia understands it, has many relationships with the values of life.

The nature for Stefano Spagnulo

Guys from "Fiori di carta" met Dr. Stefano Spagnulo at the naturalistic reserve of Rauccio park. On May 15, on a windy afternoon, we went into the woods to get to know the naturalistic beauties of this landscape. Here we set out  on a path where we could admire the oldest holm oak tree called "grandfather", which once the visit was over we all hugged by expressing a wish. Entering the woods, Dr. Spagnulo made us listen to the chirping of cinciallegre, who communicated with their song the presence of some intruders.

"Paternosci" pasta with beans and mussels

Wash and shell the black mussels, keeping their filtered water. Once the garlic in the oil becomes brown, add the mussels and chopped tomatoes, boiling them; before mixing them with the cooked beans.

Boil "al dente" the "paternosci" pasta, drain and put them back in the pot together with the mussels and beans sauce, mix them on the stove for a few minutes, adding a few water from the mussels. Serve with chopped parsley and plenty of pepper.

Andrea Monferrini, Claudio Ferraro

Interview to Gianna Greco of “Cooking Experience”

On Tuesday 6th February 2018, everyone of us guys that are part of of the online magazine “Fiori di carta” with Dr. Rosella Vigilante hosted Mrs Gianna Greco of “Cooking Experience” of Lecce at the Campi Salentina citadel of health to make her an interview. She straightaway told us that his cooking school was born in 2008 and that the lessons are directed primarily to foreigners. After that she talked about herself telling us she is not born as a cook, but that she started to work at 16 years old as a baby sitter, after that she did other jobs, she worked at Telecom and at Wind.

Traduzione lu scarfatu

Legume soup
Soak the chickpeas and beans first, cook them in the saucepan full of cold water “sutta lu fuecu”, that means on the fireplace. Add warm water during cooking because the legumes must be covered. Halfway through cooking add celery, tomatoes, laurel, onion and salt. At the same time, wash the country vegetables and boil them separately. After cooking, add the vegetables and finally the stale bread.

You cook everything for ten minutes and you serve in little cups of earthenware.
